Thisis a pictureof theraftused bytourists tosurf inthewater of lake lidowhichhas beautiful sceneryaround.The conditionis fairly safe toraftboarded bya dozenpeople,but notto excess.This canbe seenwhen therafthasstarteda littlesinking fromthe surface.Ifthis seemsthen thepassenger to be stopped to add to the raftforsafetyandcomfort of passengerswhohadfirstclimbedonto the raft.Enjoymentandfun of raftridethat usesan outboard motoris alsowell preserved.
Raftingon the lakelidoisreallyfun for thosewho like totourthe waterwhile enjoying thebeauty of nature.By using araftofbamboois quitesturdyand safe,tourists cansurfon the waterof the lakelidowith araftguidedby adriverwhose job is tosail theraft. Prettymuch beautyandexperienceinthe freshopen aircan be obtainedwhen using arafttosailon the lakelido.So forlocaland foreigntouristsdo not forgettosurfwith theraftin the lakelidowhen visitingandenjoy thebeauty ofthis place.
Sailed onthe raft on Lido Lake isan event that isfunwhenwetravelto get there.Rent araft oftypically150 thousandrupiahsforround tripsor 75thousand rupiahs for one way.How manypassengersthe raft can carry, it wasprettymuchup to a dozenpeoplecould betransportedbyraftwhich usesan outboard motorengineofa modifiedwaterpump.Thereare alsoraftsthat do notuse theoutboard motor,which is onlyrowedmanually.Raftsof this typeare usuallyonlyfor short distances,which isused to the place todo theflying fox.
Lidoisindeeda beautiful place tovacation.The lake islocatedin Sukabumi,West Javahas been knownas a resortsince the daysofDutch colonialism.LidoResortitselfevenifnoonewas builtby aDutchpoliceofficerashis love ofhis wife.CurrentlyLidovisited by manytourists,eitheron weekdaysor duringholidays.There is afloating restaurantthat addslivelyatmosphere ofthistourat LakeLido.Visitors canorder foodfroma floatingrestaurantthat provides avarietyoffreshlakefish.
This is thebuildingofthe roomswhere the guestsstaying atLidoResort.The roomsconsist ofvarioustypes ofrooms, rangingfromsuperiorroomsto suites.Similarly,the roomratespernight,fromunder onemilliondollars tomorethan that.Facilities within theroomsare also quitetastyandfun tolive there.There is televisionchannelsthat can be enjoyedthroughout theday and night.So it is withother existingfacilitiesin theroom, fromtowelstowarm waterfor bathingbecause the weatherisverycoldandclose to theMountPangrango.
This is aswimming pool onLidoResortwhereguests canswimiftheyintendtodo so.Lanternsthatmanyinstalled becauseat the time wasapproachingcelebration day, orLunarNew YearforChinesepeople.The newyearis calledgongxifat coi andthis is the year of the waterdragon.Lookspoolatmospherewas quietbecause it'sstill earlyin the morning and theweather was stillverycold,so it was notpossible toswiminthiscold morning.The lanternswerenot onanymore, Afterlast nightthe brightlightsilluminatingthe atmosphere around theswimmingpool.
At themoment westayandenjoy aholidayonLidoResort,we will also seethere aremany plantsin the gardenand around theresortenvironmentto grow.These plantsprovidebeautyand thebeauty ofits ownto theeyes of theguests stayingatLidoResort.Thereforeit is important tocare for andmaintain thesustainabilityofthese cropsto beconstantlymaintainedanddoes not diewhen there isinterferencefrom the outsidewhichmay damage it.All of thisisthe beautyandenjoymentforguestsstaying atthisresorttoenjoy aholidayorevent fromwhich they worked.
It is theworkers who werecuttinggrassusinga lawn mowerin LidoResort.These workers areverydiligent incarrying out his duty tomaintain the cleanliness ofthe parkinresort locationby cutting thegrassthat has begun togrowtall andwild, sodo notdisturbthe landscape andcreatea badimpressionto visitorsat theLidoResort.Whilethe visitorsbusyenjoying theholidayfun, the man wasbusycontinuing to workregardless of thecircumstancesand peoplearound him.Thattaskmustbe done......according to the placeand the situation,becausethose who were enjoying theholiday atmosphereinLidoResort alsopreviouslyworkinghardinJakartaorother cities.
When finishedplayingfutsalthen thenexteventis tomakeclogsandsack ran game.This is to train thecohesiveness ofthe teaminthe earlyyears ofthe eventor thekick-off2012 at theLidoresort.This eventseems to be quiteencouraging forallinvolved,fromemployeestosenioroffice, allexcitedand get involved.Where there wasaneed tofalland abrasionsonthese gamesbut itdoes not seemto be a problemfor the participants.So theearlyeventsin LidoResort, heldby theoffice whereI workis important andneeds tocreatea refreshingatmosphereof thisworkin 2012.